Websites from FulcrumTech

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Drive action with an effective website

Your website can be a powerful marketing tool. And when it works in conjunction with your other marketing efforts, such as email, it becomes even more effective. Like email, your website should present a professional image for your company, provide important information to customers and prospects, and bring you business. A website that has specific marketing goals and works to support your current promotions can boost your results in a way that is measurable.

FulcrumTech makes your new or upgraded website easy

FulcrumTech makes getting your website developed or upgraded a smooth process from start to finish. We’ll handle the project management, copywriting, web design, metrics setup, and development. We’ll help you build a website that:

  • Explains your products and services in simple and concise terms
  • Motivates your potential customers to act now
  • Is easy to use
  • Gets customers to come back again and again
  • Delivers the metrics you need to make the right business decisions.

Update the content yourself

Our development skills cover a wide variety of technologies that we can use to meet your website’s specific needs. One of our specialties is WordPress, an incredibly powerful, user-friendly content management system that makes it easy for you to update content on your website yourself. You will no longer have to run to a web developer for every little change you need.

Our WordPress development services and features include:

  • Content management
  • Automated newsfeeds (RSS feeds)
  • Social networking integration
  • Automated backups
  • Personalized and customize blogs and URLs.

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